Capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country at 2,630 masl and one of the cities with the best air and equidistant connectivity in Latin America. It is a modern city of great cultural, artistic, sporting, gastronomic and touristic life.
Average temperature: 16° C
Altitude: 2.630 (meters above sea level)
Surface area: 1.776 km² – Area
Population: 8.200.009
Website: www.bogota.gov.co
Economy: Industry, trade, agriculture, dairy farming, tourism, floriculture.
Gastronomy: The typical dish of the region is the ajiaco, a delicious soup with several kinds of potato, corn, chicken, capers, chicken and cream.
Air Transport: El Dorado Airport: El Dorado Ave. No 93-30 Tel: 4138103
Overland Transport: Intermunicipal Transport Terminal: (Buses, taxis)
Urban Transportation: Bogota has a modern mass transportation system called Transmilenio, more information at www.transmilenio.gov.co